The Aerial Fabric Manual Volume 1 (Paperback)



The Aerial Fabric Manual Volume 1 (Paperback)

FULL COLOR MANUAL. 8.5'' x 11'' book. 163 pages. Edited by Julianna Hane.

Welcome to the 10th Anniversary Edition where absolutely everything has changed except the author! 

This manual used to contain just over 250 pictures in 99 pages. Now it contains over 780 pictures in 165 pages. It's dense and it's thorough. This book contains everything that a beginning student will cover in their first course on aerial silks (which typically is about one year in length). It includes but is not limited to injury prevention exercises, grounded conditioning, aerial conditioning drills, and step-by-step instruction of all the skills, with proper prerequisites and progression planning all in one book!

This manual is perfect for teachers and students alike. Focusing on injury prevention, there has been a new section added on how to take care of the grip and shoulders. It's important to self-massage the tissue, stretch your shoulders as well as your wrists, and even stretch your nerves to care for your growing aerial physique! Don't miss this section and continue doing aerial in a healthy manner your whole life.

More coverage is given to spotting techniques, continuing to be the best companion for silks teachers everywhere. This book is required if you are undergoing the Born to Fly Silks Teacher certification. Refresh, review or add on to your skills with the aid of this book. 


Here's what readers have to say:

"Wow, you've put together an awesome publication Rebekah! I'm so excited to get into it. This will be an invaluable reference. There are many tricks I've never seen - what a service to have documented it all! The photos are beautiful and I really like that you call out students and peers for innovating moves. The book is timeless yet also captures this time in the art." - Jamie Bishop, aerial dancer

"Hey there! I just bought your Beginning Aerial Fabric Instruction Manual, I just read through the first few pages and I love it! Thank you so much for creating the manual. I never had this in-depth instruction when I first learned aerial. For the ball exercise I was basically told to tuck in a cannon ball position and hang upside down. I was able to do it naturally, but I didnt have the instruction of what your neck, should and back needed to look like for that exercise."  ~ C.W., aerial dancer

"I am really enjoying the beginning aerial silk instructor book and am excited to integrate these ideas into our classes--mad respect and gratitude"! ~ Joy Des Anges, aerial instructor

"This is a great starter book for aerial silks. Simple and concise instruction and clear visual back-up. Once I got to know and understand the basic silks' vocab I easily picked up the moves and turned them into physical knowledge." ~Miles Robins


"I have been doing aerial fabric for only a few months, but I've looked for books about it for probably the past year. Everything I found (which wasn't much) was always either in french, lacking in description or had inadequate photo's. This book is AMAZING!!! Thank you for putting it together!!! It has wonderful step by step directions that are accompanied with beautiful instructional photos and if thats not enough she even included teacher and spotter side notes that give extra little tips and teach your spotter and you what to look for to prevent you from having injuries or strains. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to start aerial fabric. BEAUTIFULLY done! Oh and being able to download the book was so convenient cause I didn't want to wait to see it and I saved a few trees, what a great feature. REBEKAH YOU DID SUCH A WONDERFUL JOB WITH THIS ONE. THANKS AGAIN!!!!"  -  hmdavantdesigns, Dec 26, 2009
"I was so glad to open the book and see how much instruction was included! Amazing book for beginners. A must have for anyone who wants to learn on their own or advanced faster in their classes." - xquisitedriver

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